Fan Characteristics

There are three basic principles of fan operation which can serve to aid in understanding and finding solutions to motor application problems. These are speed, pressure and air density……

The  most  commonly  used fan characteristic  is  the relationship  between  pressure  rise  and  volume  flow rate for  a constant impeller  speed (RPM).  The air  movement has  a pressure  associated  with  it,  which  is termed as  static  pressure  (SP)  and the  velocity  pressure  (VP)……

The term “system resistance” is used when referring to the static pressure. The system resistance is the sum of static pressure losses in the system. The system resistance is a function of the configuration of ducts, pickups, elbows and the pressure drops across Fans and Blowers equipment-for example bagfilter or cyclone……

By using group of various variables the compressible machines characteristics can be explained. Generally the characteristic of a centrifugal compressor is obtained by plotting overall pressure ratio, p03/p01, against the mass flow parameter, m√T01/p01 for a particular constant speed parameter……