Fan Curves

The actual shape of blower performance curves is determined by the combined effect of the hydraulic losses of the impeller and casing. Mechanical losses including disk friction remains the same for all capacities and leakage loss is small and varies slightly with the impeller 16 head near the shaft……

As  you  have  known,  you  must  know what  the  capacity  of  a  fan  is  before  you consider  opening  a  damper  or  increasing the  fan  speed.  Doing  so  may  not  be safe—it  could  result  in  an  overloaded motor,  for  example,  or  an  unusually  high power  consumption—so  you  should  be able  to  predict  the  results  of  any  changes you  may  decide  to  make.……

This  document  contains  introductory  material  designed  to familiarize  the  user  with  the  conventions  and  terminology related  to  fan  curves.  Various  axial  and  centrifugal  fan performance  curves  will  be  illustrated  throughout  this article  with  no  attempt  made  to  rationalize  any  particular selection.……

The term “system resistance” is used when referring to the static pressure. The system resistance is the sum of static pressure losses in the system. The system resistance is a function of the configuration of ducts, pickups, elbows and the pressure drops across Fans and Blowers equipment-for example bagfilter or cyclone……